PU Flooring

PU Flooring:

PU flooring is a solo suite product that proposing variety. MG Corporation providing PU industrial flooring solutions as a best applicator as well as contractor with affordable price in Bangladesh. In the concept of PU Flooring System, the abbreviation of PU flooring is Polyurethane flooring. Due to the formulation of this flooring supplies in process of Polymer reaction of a portion of the Polymer Chemistry.

These PU flooring systems have a special resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact plus thermal shock. Undeniably, PU flooring paint is the best flooring construction of choice for sharp end users, Engineers, consultants requires. We are supplying world best manufacture PU products.

Pu Roofing | MG Corporation

Preparation of PU Flooring:

To achieve the best performance from  Polyurethane Floor Screed, correct surface preparation is essential. Substrates must be clean, sound, dry and free of surface laitance with a minimum strength of 25N/mm2.All surfaces must be prepared by vacuum blasting or mechanical abrasion. Polyurethane Floor Screed may be applied to substrates with a surface temperature in the range of 5-20oC and a relative humidity < 90% RH , with a minimum air temperature of 8oC and no condensation. Do not pre-warm this product as working times will be substantially reduced if materials are warm.To ensure the maximum bond is achieved, grooves must be cut into the perimeter of the subfloor, typically 20mm deep by 8mm wide. These should be inset approximately 150mm from, and running parallel with the walls and adjacent to any doorways, plinths etc. 

Where to Use:

Pharmaceuticals & Hospitals
Food Processing & Beverages
Engineering & Chemicals
Cafeteria Hotel, Kitchen
Textile, Spinning & Garments,
Dyeing & Knitting
Stores & Warehouses
Acid & Salt area.
All Kinds of Heavy Load Areas
All Kinds of Industries

Advantages use PU Industrial Flooring:

Chemical resistance with preventing
Long time performance
Highest wear resistance
safe and free from harbor bacteria
Easy cure/low downtime
Thermal shock resistance


Surfaces should be primed with a prime at an average rate of 4 sq.m. per kg. This is left to cure, usually overnight. If the relative humidity of the concrete is greater than 75% RH .A Damp shield should be applied at 4 sq.m. per kg. allow to cure for 8-12 hours @ 20oC.

Application Process:

When the primed surface is tack free Polyurethane Floor Screed should be applied at the required rate as soon after mixing as possible. (Delay can result in variation in surface finish, colour and add to application problems.)
Mix the coloured base component to an even consistency, ensuring the re-dispersion of any settled pigment, thoroughly scrape the contents of the base and hardener components into the same container and mix thoroughly for one minute. Pour the combined base and hardener into a rotary drum mixer and add the aggregate component steadily, until a homogeneous mix of the three components is achieved. Apply to pre-primed areas and level between battens as necessary with a steel float, alternatively a sledge can be used set at the required thickness and again finished with a steel float. Where ease of cleaning is very important alongside slip resistance the final finish can be smoothed by back rolling with a short nap roller. A single pass with the weight of the roller is usually sufficient.
NB: Cure times are extended at low temperatures.